
Club Rides
We are fortunate enough that the leafy Surrey countryside is only a short ride away, making our ride routes some of the prettiest around. Whether it’s off to the famous Surrey hills, taking in some of the Olympic road race route, or out towards Windsor Castle, the club in never short of a route for all abilities.

The rides cater for all abilities and no one is ever left behind.

Groups are set to ability and fitness to ensure that everyone gets the most from the ride. We look to run between three to five group rides a week throughout the year based on the weather.

A guide to the clubs groups are classed as follows:

  • Open: Various pace and distance. All based on those attending.
  • Developmental: Ave pace: 20-25kph. Dis: 30-45km. Time: 1-1.5hrs
  • Progressive: Ave pace: 26-29kph. Dis: 50-65km. Time: 2-2.5hrs
  • Intermediate: Ave pace: 30-33kph. Dis: 65-75km. Time: 2.5-3hrs
  • Advanced: Ave pace 34-36kph. Dis: 75-85km. Time: 2.5-3hrs

NB: The developmental rides are designed to educate new riders to how to ride in a group, road calls and signals, effective use of gear. Riders should see the progressive rides as their first ride group. Before moving up a group, you should be averaging 1-2kph above the present groups average pace before looking at joining the next group up.

The club’s meeting point for ALL rides is Cowey Sale Car Park.

Nick Christian will look to update the weeks forthcoming rides via the club app (TeamApp). Members are to sign up for the forthcoming ride via the app so that groups and ride leaders can be established ahead of time. The ride information will provide the route, average pace and GPS route link.

Club rides are for club members only, members are not permitted to bring friends along for rides even if they are considering joining the club. Anyone looking to bring a friend should inform the committee prior to seek approval. ALL potential new members have to be processed through committee before attending any club session.

Tuesday route: Cobham – Leatherhead – Esher (

Classic Windsor route: Short (68k) Long (85k)

Chertsey: 10mile Time Trial route

SUMMER PROGRAMME: April to September

From Spring to Summer an additional mid week ride is added.

Tuesday @7pm The mid-week club ride. This takes place every Tuesday, meeting at Cowey Sale Car Park and takes in a sharp 30km route around the surrounding area. This allows members to get in those extra miles after work if they are unavailable for a club ride at the weekend.

Some members will look to work hard in this session with coordinated ‘through & off.’ Members are advised to group together with similar ability individuals. Under NO circumstances do members chase Strava cups, look to set a new PBs or sprint. You are not Cavendish so NO sprinting at ANY point as the roads will be busy.

Saturday is an open ride – meeting at 8am. This ride is for all abilities ranging from intermediate upwards. This is relaxed social ride with one or two refreshment breaks during the course of the ride. Ride routes will vary in length based on who attends so please allow for 3-4hrs if attending this ride.

Sunday is the club’s main group rides.

8am for the Developmental, Progressive, Intermediate and Advanced.

WINTER PROGRAMME: October to April

During the Winter months, the club looks to meet on a Saturday for an open ride and Sunday for the main group rides (see above for group classifications) – naturally all rides are weather permitting with rider safety coming first.

Plus, NEW in 2023/2024, we have Dirty Viceroys group rides on both Saturday and Sunday. These rides are designed for club members who prefer to get a little muddy off track on their gravel or mountain bike. Join the club app to see location and meeting place as these can vary from week to week.

Saturday is an open ride – meeting at 8am. This ride is for all abilities ranging from intermediate upwards. This is relaxed social ride with one or two refreshment breaks during the course of the ride. Ride routes will vary in length based on who attends so please allow for 3-4hrs if attending this ride.

Sunday is the club’s main group rides.

8am for the Developmental, Progressive, Intermediate and Advanced.

It is always advisable to check before attending during the summer months as this is the main triathlon season so numbers attending can vary.

Routes are pre planned to build strength and stamina. These are open to all who wish to improve their riding skills and group riding confidence.


The club is set up to be open, warm and friendly and not a machine that is intimidating to others on the road or to our very own club mates. By joining the club you agree by the clubs code of contact and ride etiquette rules.

Members are expected to abide by the Highway Codes AT ALL TIMES – with ZERO exceptions. 


These are relaxed non drop rides with the group looking to remain together at all times. There is no expectation to take turns at the front of the group. Through and off is optional. The pace will remain ‘even’ without spikes and there will be no focus on exceeding the set speed / pace. All riders are required to ensure the group is back together after any split caused by lights, roundabout or at a junction.


These rides are designed to push all those who attend. Riders are expected to take turns on the front during through and off phases. Only the Windsor route has four set sprint points and long sections of faster pace to develop fitness and speed. If a rider is struggling to maintain the set pace, they should inform the group and look to drop to the back of the group to recover or ride slower after informing all the group. The top gear rule applies over the last 20km of a ride. If new to the group, then the ride leader should be informed prior to the ride.


1. Always look to ride in two tight columns and no more (eg3). Best for rider safety and to encourage cars to make a wiser choice when over taking.
2. Move to single file when on a busy road / narrow corner or when large or a series of vehicles need to pass.
3. Thank any driver(s) for patiently waiting to pass.
4. Slow down for horses and make a wide safe pass.
5. Provide early signals so drivers can anticipate the movements of the group.
6. Always wave to a fellow cyclist even if they don’t wave back.
7. If you see a cyclists at the side of the road, check they are okay or if they require any assistance.
8. Never ride through a red light. NEVER!!!
9. Don’t join another group as this creates a larger group on the road.
10. Avoid ‘half wheeling’ as this increases a group accident.
11. Never knowingly drop any litter. It’s not pro and it’s not clever.
12. Wear appropriate clothing. No helmet no ride. No loose or baggy clothes.
13. No TT or tri bars on Group Rides, these can increase the risk of injury during a crash.
14. Be seen. Make sure you have rear and front working lights.

Careless sprint has become a concern in regards to some rides. As a result this additional club rule has been added.

15. Sprinting: do not sprint in a built up area or on a busy main road. Any sprinting, (which should be designated before the ride), should be on a quiet road with safety of all those in the group coming first. YOU ARE NOT CAV – so do not sprint in the middle of the road or in a built up area.

The Rules – keepers of the Cog: Velominati